Saturday, August 28, 2010

Need a keyboard for your HTPC? You might be sitting on it!

So, the HTPC has been running in all its glory for about 3-4 years, but the frontend almost never get used.
Well, the Wife Approval Factor (WAF) is pretty low.  I do have a wireless keyboard and mouse hooked up to it, the Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop 1000 (PC & Mac).  The problem is, the wireless range on this thing sucks, it is like, no joke, less than 10 feet.  So to use it, I have to drag out the wireless receiver, then pull out the clunky keyboard and mouse (I have 4 kids, one of which is a one year old, so cannot leave these things hanging around!)  Not a lot of fun to drive.

I have been eying the Logitech diNovo Mini forever as a replacement.  But $129 bucks for a keyboard!?  I am way too much of a tightwad for that! Plus the wife says we have to buy more important things like diapers and food (whatever)

Then one day I wondered, "Could I port VNC over to the Android operating system?"  Well, lucky for me, someone has already done this!  I installed realVNC to my G1 phone, connected to my server via my wireless lan, and voilla I am controlling my computer from the couch on my pocket sized device!

Now, it is not a replacement for a keyboard and mouse if you are doing heavy web browsing or actually using your computer as, well, a computer.  But to control MythTV or Boxee, it is perfect.

I have breathed new life into my HTPC if I can just get the kids to stop playing the Wii so I can use the TV!

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